Mt. Doug Hiking-The spider and slug edition

As I look up from lacing my hiking boots, I see four spider webs hanging down from our roof line. My skin breaks out in goose bumps and a cold sweat runs down my neck.

My first instinct is to get a broom and sweep them away, but as I study the intricate patterns these creatures have created, I am humbled by the beauty of their work.

I think this one is a hobo spider, but it could be a house spider. The web tells me there are 34,000 types worldwide. Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, was a pretty good movie with John Goodman. I just hope this one stays outside.

A sure sign of September, these spider webs, as well as the number of slugs on the trails in Mt Doug.

We’ve had more rain in the first half of this month than in several previous Septembers, but this morning is sunny and the words morning has broken, from the Cat Stevens song, come to mind, over and over. After rain, it is just the kind of morning that feels “like the first morning.”

I get home to find a squirrel gathering up some fallen plums. Yup, all the creatures doing what they do best in their preparation for winter.

Random Thoughts-My 2010 summer reading list

Rather than list the books I planned to read this summer, I decided to list the books after I’d read them. I usually read mysteries in the summer, don’t know why, just like to. This summer I threw in a few other things. I find that if I read the first book in a series, and I like it, I read them all. I’m a pretty slow reader, though, so I never get through as many as I’d like.

1. The Time Traveler’s Wife-Audrey Niffenegger
2. The Birth of Venus-Sarah Dunant
3. In The Company Of The Courtesan-Sarah Dunant
4. Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West-Cormac McCarthy
5. Angle of Repose-Wallace Stegner
6. Eats, Shoots & Leaves-Lynne Truss
7. The Isabel Dalhousie Series-Alexander McCall Smith (Five books.)
8. The Elegance of the Hedgehog-Muriel Barberry. (A reread.)
9. Stephen King On Writing-A Memoir Of The Craft- Stephen King
10. Great Essays of all Nations- edited by F. H. Pritchard